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Me and My dragon

Me and My dragon

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Act 4

After I saw Juliet I could not even see myself a live without Juliet so I pulled out the poison and I drank it I immediately felt pain in my stomach and went down and never got up again. I hope that now the Capulets and the Montagues get along and that they will be able to become friends

Act 3

Today while I was in Mantua my servant Balthasar came and he visited me. He told me some awful news; he told me that Juliet died. He said that she killed herself and that her funeral was today. Before he said anything else I got on my horse and rode as fast as I could to her grave and when I got there, there was Paris and Paige his servant. Paris was not pleased when I showed up. He said that he was going to turn me in. I said just leave me alone and I don’t want to fight you but I will if I have to, so I asked him to nicely move. Then he drew his sword and I drew mine and I killed him. I got into the tomb to only see Juliet dead.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Lady Juliet

The other day was one of the best and worst days of my life, I got married. I married Juliet Capulet nobody knows especially my parents who would never approve. After the wedding i walked outside and met Benvolio and Mercrutio in the town square, I also met Tybalt and his crew they for some reason wanted to talk to me. But Mercrutio immediately started tearing into Tybalt and attacked him they got into a sword fight and Tybalt cheap shotted Mercrutio and he ended up dying. then out of rage i got involved and went after Tybalt and I killed him. I was then band from Verona forever and I thought i was never going to see Juliet again.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Conflict between my family and the Capulets

This morning in the city my family got into a battle i was lucky and didnt get involved in the battle but the prince threatened my family and the Capulets that if we were to fight in the town again that we were going to be killed. I am sick of the fighting in Verona between are two families it shows that neither of us have self-control and that we are very sort tempered and impatient. I would actually enjoy being able to befriend some of the capulets but if i even got close to there territory i would be killed because they woul think that i was coming to attack them. I hope that they realize that most of my family would like to war against the Capulets but I wouldn't I think violence is the wrong answer.